Follo Molo (Become My Stalker And Ask Me To Stalk Back....I prefer a Yandere...)

Bored?You can play around with these line of colours for a is 100times better than PS4...because I dont have one....

19 Jun 2012

Cara Highlightkan Komen Author Di Threaded Comment

Sangat mudah,hanya perlu letakkan kod dibawah sebelum kod </body>
<script src=''/> <!-- ss highlight author starts --> <script> $(function() { function highlight(){ $(',.ssyby').closest('.comment-block') .css('border', 'dashed blue 1px') .css('background','#F0A2A2 url("")') .css('padding', '10px'); } $(document).bind('ready scroll click', highlight); }); </script> <!-- ss highlight author ends -->

2 ulasan

Komen orang biasa 8-|


Komen Admin yang bergaya hehe B-)


Nota: Hanya ahli blog ini sahaja yang boleh mencatat ulasan.

At the post page,this banner can be spin around ;)