Follo Molo (Become My Stalker And Ask Me To Stalk Back....I prefer a Yandere...)

Bored?You can play around with these line of colours for a is 100times better than PS4...because I dont have one....

04 Oktober 2010

Korang nak pakai kasut camni?

10 ulasan

urk. yg last tu...kaki betul ke??
urgh. euww... Dx


yeah!!i dont really mind wearing those shoes if u gimme them for free!!especially the thorn ones!boleh buat tendang lelaki gatal!haha

oh my..i just love shoess


@yenyenpreng Haha,boleh...boleh,buat garu badan lelaki yng gatal pn boleh ekeke XD I love shoes too ^^


@nama.aku.lynn Nak bagi gak,especially yang bawah sekali tu haha XD


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