Follo Molo (Become My Stalker And Ask Me To Stalk Back....I prefer a Yandere...)

Bored?You can play around with these line of colours for a is 100times better than PS4...because I dont have one....

14 Jun 2010

Interesting Blog Award

1. Thank and link the person that tagged you
Thanks Dela for tagging n giving me the award.I really appreciate it

2. Tag 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think fantastic
2.Found:Cik Arnab
4.Found:Tok Nabe
5.Found:Arel Hakim
8.Found:mama najla punya
9.Found:white mommy
10.Found:Anisa Hang Tuah
12.Found:Teyha is daddy's girl
13.Searcing in progress...
14.Searcing in progress...
15.Searcing in progress...

3. Contact that blogs and let them know they've been tagged
Woi korang kena tag,dengar tak?!Dah,aku dah panggil...

4. State 7 things bout yourself

1.Aideal Fitri namaku
2.Ini blog aku
3.Dela yang bagi aku award ni
4.Em,citer pasal diri aku
5.Aku dah citer
6.Lima kat pos dibawah
7.Selebihnya adalah rahsia

4 ulasan

Ada,tu kan saya tngh search in progress,found la kejap lg nama awak


You welcome Teyha is daddy`s girl


Nota: Hanya ahli blog ini sahaja yang boleh mencatat ulasan.

At the post page,this banner can be spin around ;)